ダイエットに!The early bird catches the worm.早起きは三文の徳
There is a Japanese expression that has almost the same meaning as " The early bird catches the worm". It is "Hayaoki wa sanmon no toku" which means getting up early earns 3 coins.
I went to bed early last night for a change which helped me wake up naturally without groaning - I was full of energy this morning. I finished multiple chores and I was happy that I managed to organize medical receipts that I had put aside for a while. I got to work a bit earlier too. Speaking of sleep, I came across this article the other day:
Sleeping less than six hours is "linked with a great risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes and obesity, compared with getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night".
Linked to obesity!!!! I really need to remember to go to bed early every night to get quality beauty sleep!
メリー英語教室 Merry's English Class 講師 Michikoです!
早起きは三文の徳という表現は英語にもあります。The early bird catches the worm. (早起きの鳥は餌にありつける)よく似ていますね。
睡眠はお肌のコンディションにも関係するので I got to get my beauty sleep! 美容のために寝なきゃ!
メリー英語教室 Merry's English Class(横浜市青葉区)
最寄駅 あざみ野・たまプラーザ